Following is an indicative list of our key Project:
- Trans Adriatic Natural Gas Pipeline (TAP):
ECOMED the last years has been providing a variety of consultant services for the TAP Project and mainly to one of its shareholders, E.ON. Our services include among others:
► Permitting Consultancy
► Land Acquisition Consultancy
► Support to ESIA elaboration
ECOMED is providing to the Project Developer (GASTRADE S.A.) a range of consultancy services, in the fields of:
► Environmental permitting (participation in ESIA)
► Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Management Plan
► Cargo Residual and Ship Generated Waste Management Plan
► Permitting consultancy for Granting of Shoreline and Coastline
► Installation Permit
- Upgrading of Revithoussa LNG Terminal Cryogenic Facilities:
The following services were provided:
► ESIA (member of the project team)
► Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Management Plan
► HS File and HS Plan
- Thermal Power Plant in South Rhodes (PPC):
The following services were provided to the EPC of the Project (TERNA S.A.):
► Overall Permitting Consultancy for the Project Elaboration
► Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Management Plan
► Cargo Residual and Ship Generated Waste Management Plan
► Wastewater Management and Treatment Study
► Permitting consultancy for Granting of Shoreline and Coastline
- Burgas – Alexandroupolis Crude Oil Pipeline (BAP):
ECOMED was subcontracted to elaborate the following services:
► Outline of the Cargo Residual and Ship Generated Waste Management Plan for Alexandroupolis Marine Facilities
► ESIA for the HV Electricity Transmission Line connecting the Alexandroupolis Tank Farm with the existing Electricity Transmission System, for BAP (member of the project team)
- Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant ‘Heron 2’, Thiva, Greece:
► Technical advice and inspection regarding the building construction permit and environmental issues regarding the substation of the Power Plant
- CHP and District Heating for Serres, Greece (Thermi Serron S.A.):
► Elaboration of ESIA
► Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Management Plan
► Wastewater Management and Treatment Study
- Windfarms of ITA S.A. Group:
► Elaboration of ESIAs
► Appropriate Assessments
► Avifaunal Studies
- Desalination Plant in Milos Island (AIOLIKI MILOY S.A.):
► Elaboration of ESIA
► Wastewater Management and Treatment Study
► Permitting consultancy for Granting of Shoreline and Coastline
- Windfarms of ‘Greek Wind Farms’ Group:
► Elaboration of ESIAs
► Appropriate Assessments
► Avifaunal Studies
► Stakeholder Engagement Consultant
► Permitting Consultant
- Windfarms of ‘Greek Wind Farms’ Group:
► Elaboration of ESIAs
- 450MW Offshore Windfarm at Petalioi Gulf, Greece:
► Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment
- 288MW Windfarm at Gyaros Island and offshore electrical connection up to Lavrio S/S, Greece:
► Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment
► Permitting consultancy for Granting of Shoreline and Coastline for the Offshore Natural Gas Pipeline (19bar) to Chalkida (subcontractor of ‘Prometheus Gas S.A.’)
► Permitting consultant for a Biomass Project Developer in Greece
► Environmental and Permitting consultant for a Tidal Energy Project Developer in a Greek Island
► ESIA for a 18MW Windfarm in Fokida (GAMESA S.A.)
► ESIA and Permitting consultancy for various PV Projects